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Avatar since: 25.06.2008

Age: 55
United States - MO
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So many books, so little time
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Friendship

Who am I?

Man# 7,283, passing in the background of your life,
the scent on the wind, there is no time to trace,
the dream you woke up from, before it began,
the unspoken answer, twisting up your tongue,
the virtue they did not think to warn you of,
and the vice that they could not name.



I love your poems,
your stories and emails,
you should write a book.

Why settle for money,
when I can write for you?

Rhythm and Motion

I can’t stand still
no matter how perfect
the bright moment shines
it moves on into the next one
the world keeps us spinning
despite clinging with everything
and screaming our defiance into
the whirling, and the twirling
the shifting, and the sliding
that makes every day a gamble
in rhythm and motion

It’ll never be enough
to love the way you look
if I can’t keep up and
love the way you move

Kontakt ze mną


Lips more than kiss,
they shape sound,
into silhouettes,
of self.

Boldly revealing,
what you look like,
from the inside out.


Every word risque'd,
laying you bare,
before me.

Sexy is spoken,
desirable declared,
passion pronounced.

King without a Kingdom

Tugged-tight, these soft-white sheets emptily embrace,
monotonous miles of mattress, with a firm flatness of face.

This comforter in crisis, with no body to soothe to sleep,
lays lifelessly limp and lonesome, too wistful weary to weep.

Pristine piles of puffed-up pillows, panic-pulling seams,
in pressured-anticipation of once more supporting dreams.

Missing muse-mussing, those softly long silken tresses,
and nights of crush-crumpling, cushioning crazed caresses.

Animal Reason

Reaching out knowingly
heart pounding too hard
shaking a glassine world
with each potent thump
in skin ravenous for skin
a salt flavored seasoning
for flesh fevered dreams
with a tenderness of lips
or the tickle of a tongue
distracting, not denying
the teeth waiting beneath
to close the trap tightly

Leaps ahead wildly
clamoring for a plan
a design, a rough outline
that glimmer of hope
in a little brittle belief
of never getting free

Especially us

There is not one single day that goes by
Without shutting for a few moments
My wild quickly dart-dashing eyes
Just to see you here
Shining brightly

Composing songs from unspoken promises
Into orchestrated madness for my muse
Obsession seems too weak of a word
Hope, far too faintheartedly feeble
Playing hopscotch from the ten
Then jumping back to one
Happily chagrined

Because they made a machine to do it
Doesn’t mean that I think it should
Delightful dreams of doing dishes
Blowing antibacterial bubbles
Dueling domestic dishtowels
To be speckless and spotless
In a game I can understand
Passionately determining
Another night’s winner
In an orgy of OCD

Washed and dried into timely tidy towers
Cabinets contain stair-stacked porcelain
Behind carefully closed doors
Cuddled-up all confidently
Knowing everything rests
In its proper place
Especially us

Momentary doorway revelation,
in exquisite indecision,
glancing backwards.

Contrasting shadows caressing,
where lumens are timid,
and longings stir.

As light streams through hair,
a crowning golden spirit,
her only adornment.

Standing half in and half out,
just a fragment of life,
a wealth of imagery.

Troubled eyes reflect regret,
as responsibility calls,
away from my arms.


gentle lyrics fall upon our shoulders
unseen leaves on the night breeze
rustling quietly in the autumn chill
warm, in a swaying coat of arms
until everything else drifts away
into gentle rhythmic sensation
the deepest sigh can't caress
where you're leading me
surprisingly... home


although we danced for days
the clock struck midnight
and Cinderella escaped
this cage of arms

sewing the seeds of magic
into her shiny tinfoil pleats
leaving so very abruptly
she forgot her shape

what am I supposed to do
with the shadow she cast
the quiet absence of light
that left within her pocket

dancing with this shoe
is beneath my dignity
I’ll stop soon


Sometimes at night
I open the window
to let the dark in

My curtains shudder
as a cold black ink
spills over the bed

With nothing to see
everything hidden
slowly seeps out


shafts of sunlight pierce the blinds
to dance upon her sleeping skin
tickling blanket escaped toes
with the warm promise
of another day
in shoes

Sense of Scale

If you think that matters to me,
you don’t understand how I see.
I didn’t just slip on a banana peel,
to accidentally fall in love with you.

You were the one I was looking for,
before I woke up to what I wanted.
I love the way you think, you feel,
the shapes you take against me,
you've set my standard of beauty,
that no one else measures up to.

Magic Blue Plaid Flannel Pajamas

You're right, as always... but I am too.
Comfortable blue plaid flannel pajama pants,
aren't seductive... they're real and magical.

It isn't a quick night of poly-satin blends,
all smooth fibers, slick and so intentional,
another industrial artistry of textured imagery.

Magic is the comfort of day to day, every day,
it is sincere warmth unthinkingly pressed close,
unplanned cotton soft... unconsciously contiguous.

It is finger-tip tracing though the plaid confusion,
all of our crisscrossed lines of contoured chaos,
to discover which paths will lead us home.


We’ll see… we’ll wait and see,
if all the things you imagine you want,
are what you’ll have with me.

We’ll know… when you’re here,
in the face of these flaws and failings,
it will become completely clear.

Only then... will I risk the dream,
that we're more than a passing fancy,
and the word is what you mean.

Time Traveler

I cannot help but leap,
too far into the future,
when we’re together,
clocks and calendars,
can’t keep up with us,
minutes, hours, days,
in the blink of an eye.

Forgive the way I am,
enveloped within this,
distant, so distracted,
quietly time traveling,
dreaming of the days,
when our good nights,
won’t mean goodbye.

Wait and See

I want nothing more than to be there…
holding you in my arms, dancing,
swaying into your soft warmth,
soothing and smoothing,
my hard rough hands,
into velvet gloves.

My steps aren’t all suave and smooth,
these shoes of mine don’t yet shine,
and denim tatters aren’t tuxedos.
Let’s wait for that better me,
always a page away,
on the calendar.

I won’t wait for a distant dream date,
put those insecurities on a plane,
stumble-step them to my door,
and we will see for ourselves,
what beauty we can make,
of our imperfection.

Man, Monster and Me

As I sweetly soothe you,
into soft satisfied sighs,
be careful of that gleam,
in my kind smiling eyes.

The bright glint is a hint,
that my tenderness lies,
next to images of taking,
you in silken ribbon ties,
caress-kiss possession,
and clawing your thighs.

The man is a caretaker,
one you can romanticize,
offering everything...
and meaning, all it implies.

The monster is hungry,
a greed-grasping surprise,
taking everything back,
in your gush-gasping cries.

Me? I am the mediator,
the crazy-man compromise,
staying as sane as I can,
while I compartmentalize.

Holding Pattern

holding you in my arms,
feeling you resting,
soft and warm against me,
this gentle motion,
in the rise and fall,
of your chest,
each breath,
moving me closer,
to meaningful.


suspiciously exceptional,
and simply infuriating,
the way she lives,
in a landscape,
of emotional,
I cannot,
So frustrating
whatever she is,
feeling today,
is the only place,
I wish to live.

Failing asleep

cuddle-upped, all beddy-bye,
cozy, contented and complete,
softly speaking our sweetness,
in mystical murmured musings,
so meaningful and meandering,
my soulful syllabus of sincerity,
going on... and on... and on...
trying to tell you all the things,
words can’t carry in daylight,
as you smile, sigh and shift,
folding the fluffy pillow over,
to cover your sleeping ears.

Sinner’s Shoeshine

Waiting to meet you
while nervously rubbing
the tops of my shoes
on the back of my calves
a quick sinner’s shoeshine
all spotlessly forward-facing
knowing everyone behind me
will still see the dirt.


What if I wrote a poem for you,
that just said, “I love you.”

What if I did not dress it up,
in sheer lace, silks and satin,
or have it come in a bouquet,
of sweetly scented flowers?

What if I gave you my heart,
all raw, dripping-wet, messy,
pounding heavily in your hand?

Would you still find a place,
to keep it safe… inside you?

Shy and Awkward

I’ll let a silence,
build between us,
when I have nothing,
that needs to be said.

And then, I will color-in,
every beautiful blank,
space you create,
with the things,
I should not,
have said.

at least... we have a plan.

Calculating Pi

The circumference of this circle,
extends beyond comprehension,
variations of day-to-day details,
with every digit uncovered,
bringing us a little closer,
to our own infinity.

Everyday Question

from a distance,
it was just a day,
wake-up coffee,
showers, clothing…
a late breakfast,
of mild sausage,
and scrambled eggs,
cleaning, laundry,
an early dinner out,
a little self-reward,
for the clean dishes.

A full-bellied walk,
passing strangers,
on the sidewalks,
your hand in mine,
because we aren’t,
strangers anymore,
are we?

But I can't learn,
to live that way,
from a distance,
that simple day,
keeps intruding,
on quiet moments,
to accusingly ask,
“Why not every day?”

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Mój Pokój

Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And Summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And oft' is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd:
But thy eternal Summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;
Nor shall Death brag thou wanderest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou growest:
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

William Shakespeare - Sonnet #18

Ktoś Wyjątkowy
Bookwormblues has no special someone.


I blame the spill of long silken hair,
messily dripping over these pillows,
pooling and puddling on the sheet,
and those blue eyes, piercing me,
right through my bluff and bluster,
changing the gorilla chest-beating,
to tender sighs of soul-satisfaction.

She turned the taste of her mouth,
into my favorite flavor of exhilaration,
until my life was completely dedicated,
to discovering every way I could shape,
those soft full lips into a satisfied smile,
and take one more taste of happiness,
under a liquid warmth of adoring eyes.


a cell phone picture
a distant shore
no more

I love you sand-written
a familiar flowing script
all curves and curlicues
that I long to toe trace


A quiet fan blade hum slices the night
into single servings of soulful solitude
spacing the seconds, distant as you are
still tasting the silhouette of your name
contouring my tongue, shaping my lips
every breath drawn on parchment lungs
etched in your scent, my heart pumping
desire-longing, silent chemical madness
motionless-racing, against impossible odds
to be the one, to wrap you into my arms
chin-tuck you in, cover you up in kisses
embracing darkness in a warm completion
ending each of our days, in good nights


Should I invite you in,
into the eye of a storm,
where whirlwind walls,
flash, shift and blur-by,
into a chaotic cacophony,
of imagery and voices,
a crazed kaleidoscope,
of saints, sinners and saviors,
charlatans and champions,
ripe with hidden promises,
of tender condemnation,
and song-soft salvation?


Prime Time

Night-dancing under fountains of words,
glad feet splish-splash-slapping puddles,
playful-sprays of enthusiastic incidences,
those quick licked moistened lips parting,
gushy-gasp grasping and growl-grinning,
beautiful banter-burst, streaming laughter,
into free-flowing showers, days of details,
swelling into cascades of conversations,
in candy-crash swirls of chaos combined,
pumped sugar-high on unfiltered crystals,
downpour of ever-expanding excitement,
lightning-bolts of shared synaptic shocks,
flowering into firework flashes of fantasia,
mixing madness, integrating, multiplying,
until indivisible, turning our time to prime.

Word Serpents

Author entwining everything
Reshaping our structures
Turning into and on
Everyone around

Until we can no longer contain
All that we’ve swallowed
Sharp crushing details
write-writhing free

Shedding story-skins of self
Leaving trophies of time
The monster we were
In that moment

The end is our reformation
Innocent as blank pages
The fresh-start begins
In thin-skin hunger


turned down low
vision acknowledged
but unamplified on our outlines
two shapes, forming one meaning
in the soft warm glow of your nightlight

Moje Zainteresowania

bad poetry

shorts stories

balloon art



The one she is here for...
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