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Avatar since: 06.04.2006

Age: 33
United States
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Am I here, or am I just a shadow?
Relationship Status: Seeing Someone
Looking For: Friendship
Which Kingdom Hearts Character are You Most Like?
Ktoś Wyjątkowy
Daikato has no special someone.
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What School Group SHOULD You Be In

You are a Cool Nerd. You are a nerd but you are cool! You don't wear glasses all the time or stuff like that, but you like to get good grades, and you care about your future, and want to go to college! I HAVE A LIFE!! MATCHBOOK ROMANCE, ROCK ON!!
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What Family Guy Character Are You?

Peter Griffin
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IF You Were Turned INTO a CArtoon Character Who would U BE??!

CONGRATULATIONS! You're Goku, you're tough and when you're angry your hair changes colour & defies gravity!! ^_^
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