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Zarejestrowany od: 2007-01-28
Age: 33
United States - NV
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"Send me and invitation and let\'s talk![="

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Relationship Status: In a Relationship
My Wish List
QF^F AVATAR LongBraidQF^Navi Flora JewelQF^Na'vi Wedding DressFemale^Na'vi Eyes[AS] Avatar Skin v1
~RK~ Lynette Black[c] Lecker Black~RK~ Nymphe Black~RK~ Anna Black[Sx] Flats`Purdy `Pink
ANN Lace Bow Dress TEALANN Party Princess RED~BZ~ Tank Lime[K] Ebony Hisami[S] True Black Kamilla
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Moje Zainteresowania
The name's Day. 15 years old and Colombian ;D. Si hablo Espanol [: Been on IMVU since 1/28/07, this very account! so yeah i've had to earn all my stuff and not get it for free like the new people that are signing up xP lol but oh well :D. Well not much to say/: but if u wana chat just send me an invite, i promise i'll accept! :D ♥Day366
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