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Zarejestrowany od: 2006-09-26
Age: 37
United States - VA
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"Abandon All Hope Ye Who Speaks To ME"

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Welcome to The World of GRIZZ, Hmmmm...What can i say about myself, I am not Pretty i am not Cool, i am Fat and I am Ugly and I am proud of it so Fuck U...that can sum up my way of life pretty well. if U did Not know its a Quote from Slipknots-"I am hated" Nothing can really describe me better...dont want anything to do with someone who cannot accept the fact that i am fat, ugly and i am not cool. Yes people call me Grizz, I am like a Grizzly bear..I can be the most gental thing in the whole world and yes I am told frequently that I am one of the nicest guys they ever me. But then again i am one of the most cruel and sadistic fuckers on this earth if u get on my bad side. So if U really wanna take that chance then just send me a message some time of leave me A comment and I will try my hardest to talk to u.
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