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Zarejestrowany od: 2005-09-17
Age: 33
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"Uh.. Hello, talk to me :)"

See My Albums (4)

Welcome to my home page<3 Leave me a message. I love to get messages. Makes me feel specail :P

I really like when people buy me stickers. But not those gay ones :P I like cute bright colored stickers. So if you really like me buy me a sticker from my wish list <3

I have my own little Style, and I really like it. Others do too. So if you'd like me to help you out, maybe design a outfit or two for your avatar just tell me in a message<3 It will cost you 2 stickers ^^ from my wishlist. That's not a lot right?

Odd for someone like me thats so into fashion to not want clothes eh? Oh well. I have my reasons.

Aperently I'm a devolper. I haven't devolped anything though. :s And I'm a Guest_ so I don't see how. Lol.

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Tudor Inn - BedroomInk WifeBeaterElfen Lied ShoesLow V-neck NAVY BLUEMusic Love
Animated - DoYouLoveMe?spacerspacerspacerspacer
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