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Zarejestrowany od: 2018-07-26
United States - OK
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"Riley Miracle loves her Joshy"

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Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Friendship
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This is my Joshy one of my best friends he's always been there for me and I know he always well he makes me laugh n smile he also tells me that I should never give up on things when I say I can't do something he always reminds me that life is filled with up n downs but it's all about what I do with it he tells me to hold my head up high n never give up and he'll always be here if I need him I love you Joshy kisses
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My Wish List
Love Song (trgrs)Unwritten (n.bedinfield)Forever And For AlwaysWhen (trigger song)Stay (live version)
Amazing Grace (trgrs)Sophie SockiesLace Owl KIDSShirt Puppy KIDS♡ Lil Lolita Bow
My Only Wish (This Year)Come On Over (trigger)When you kiss meSee You Again (trgrs)Princess Studs
In The Stars StudsSquad PaciSquad BowSquad ShirtY' WPooh Headband KID

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