Wczytywanie strony domowej

I dress up a lot, we can go to the shops and make outfits. Don't be weird, and don't ask me to date, be your girlfriend, mom, sister, cousin etc... there is no point lol. I like to get to know people, so if you want to have a conversation we can, I'm really nice and funny when you get to know me :). Feel free to pm me whenever, I might answer, I never check my messages but add me and I will for sure accept it.

I like to make a lot of different outfits and styles, I talk a lot about makeup and important universal issues. I'm 17, hispanic, and yes I speak Spanish and no I will not speak it to you.

I have associates not friends

im single lol :)
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Twerk DatNananaLuv MeNot so cowardlyPaula Locs Red
𝐼𝑧.KiaraGingerJanelle' brown cross hat2 pleatedd v2eyelash extension
$ Pant Wedge REDRed Knit Crop Tank$ Joots WHITE$ Pant Wedge ORANGEBlue Knit Smile pants
Lite blue knit bra topBulb PonytailM Hat n Mask BlueM Lace Mask PinkKnit Smiley Bag Green