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+ n a m e – katsumoto
+ s u r n a m e - ren
+ r e p u t e – the samurai
+ r e b i r t h – unknown
+ c l a s s - legend
+ g e n d e r - male
─────────── [ + a n a t o m y + ] ───────────
+ h a i r - jet black
+ e y e s - dry red
+ c o m p l e x i o n - fair
+ e l e v a t i o n - six foot two
+ o p p r e s s i o n – two hundred seven pounds
+ s t r u c t u re – athletically tone
─────────── [ + c h a r a c t e r + ] ───────────
+ d i s p o s i t i o n – cold, calculative, calm, ruthless..
+ a l l e g i a n c e – his liege
+ a l i g n m e n t – chaotic neutral
+ t h e m e -
+ o c c u p a t i o n - swordsman
─────────── [ + c o m b a t + ] ───────────
+ t h r e a t – highly volatile
+ s p e c i a l t y – battojutsu, kendo, bak mei
+ w e a p o n - katana
+ t i t l e – evanescent encounter
+ d e f e n s e - katana
+ t i t l e – green waterfall
─────────── [ + m a g i c + ] ───────────
+ e l e m e n t - fire, ice, wind
+ m a s t e r y - high
+ a m p l i t u d e - massive
+ p o t e n c y - severe
+ r a n g e - admirable
+ r e c o i l - average
─────────── [ + s p e l l s + ] ───────────
+ e v o k e - a strong wind capable of penetrating metal or blowing away an object depending on it's amplitude and potency.
+ b l i z z a r d - a combination between wind and ice, sending fragments of ice singing through the air.
+ i n f e r n o - a blazing flame, it's shape and size subject to his own personal manipulation.
+ b e r s e r k - a self-enhancing spell, dramatically increasing all sense as well as physical strength and speed.
+ r e s i s t - a self-enhancing spell capable of rejecting and or reflecting spells and projectiles
+ a b y s s - similar to a black hole, a spell that traps an object into a state where all sense are rendered useless.
─────────── [ + s t o r y + ] ───────────
+ a r c h a i c - it's time for all to gather round, and hear the tale of a man and his hastily the heart of a man gravitates towards power, only proving how hollow they truly are in spirit; with a smile exactly the same...the sword pierces the heart, letting him know; how quietly the cries caress the night on a lonely he said to his assailant..."if you kill me, i shall forgive you. however, should i live, i will kill you...such is the way of honor.." that which he lacked was the hollow it may be, consume all that can be to make the leap, and at the end he found the it...but lacked everything else, upon the reflection he spoke..."a man without virtue is vicious..." and cast himself into the abyss, leaving three words to tell his story..."vita in nex..."
+ m e m o r i e s - I remember…….I remember the sound, the flames, how the sky looked that day…Empty, because the clouds had fallen, falling to the earth in a frenzy of hell fire and blood…I closed my eyes, squeezing them tight, hoping that it would all go away, that it would be gone when I opened them….Then I heard it…There was a profound silence…As if everything and anything had simply disappeared, it all came to pass in a moment of clarity…Then it came, the sound, it sounded like the end of the world…But when I opened my eyes, it was nothing like that…
+ t a b o o -
Sitting in a corner sat a man, an old man, a wrinkled and battle scarred face, with solemn eyes and overall seemed dead…Though tightly held under his right arm was a book...Average size with no title, a hardcover…”So….You want to know about…. The Samurai…A smile growing to his hard, chapped lips…Long, slender fingers releasing their grip on the book to place it on the table before him…”Only known as The Samurai, this warrior has no name…No allegiance, and no mercy, a demon unto himself he is a manifestation created by all that is pure and yet evil…An entity of unrivaled power and of renown skill…
With no official date of birth, and no family to call his own his life, if it was one, was a chill…A chill that ran through your spine, a chill that made you shiver in the desert…A chill that made the winds themselves flurry in fear…” Though he seemed dead a minute ago this man, he seemed so alive now, not of joy, but rather….Alive, alive from the presence of fear…His figure trembled, as if he was in the freezing cold though it was humid…Then, then I felt it too, I felt the chill. The one he spoke of, I felt it climbing up my back and my glasses fell from my face to the floor…
I found myself gripping my arms, rubbing at them as if to warm myself up and I felt the fear, looking around frightened…This man had me trembling with only a few sentences about a man…Or whatever it was, whom I didn’t even know whether they really existed or not…Regaining his composure he spoke again…”He was first sighted according to legend in the 9th century of Japan’s history, as a wandering man, with hair as black as hell…His eyes, as red as spilt blood though that wasn’t what made him stand out…It was the chill…The chill that ran down the man’s spine whom saw him…
It was only for a moment, with two swords under his belt, the man turned and he wasn’t there…As the emperors army disbanded around this time military factions began to rise and create clans around Kyoto…This awakened the beast that is the Samurai, though he never made his debut until the feudal era began…Then any man with hair as black as hell with two swords was referred to simply as…”The Samurai.” If ever seen on the battlefield soldiers ran…Though that served for no other purpose than for them to die tired…” The old man coughed, hacking and grabbing his chest…
“Those who lived to tell the tale said that he was like a ghost…Gliding over the ground and seemed to be in a hundred places at once, unrivaled speed…Maybe exaggerations, no one really knows because they are all dead now…Once the wars ended The Samurai was never seen again, some say he died, others say he went back to hell, and some say he still wanders, wanders to find a battlefield. The only home he’s ever known, though me…I know better, The Samurai is a spirit, an entity even, a messenger to do the lords and devils work alike…He is a demon…And he is a saint…”
The man coughing violently again, blood leaving the corner of his lip and dripping down his cheek only to be wiped away with his sleeve…”While little is known of him…His swords are of legend…Green waterfall, the blunt blade of his two, almost like a miniature broadsword though with the hilt and guard of a katana. They said one strike of it was enough to send trees whirling away ripped from their roots…A fearsome weapon…Though the other was the one to fear more than anything…It was named, Evanescent Encounter…Only one man ever saw him draw this weapon and live to tell the tale...”
The old man’s eyes grew bloodshot with veins, his coughing worse than ever and he looked about ready to drop dead then and their…Though he continued, relentless in telling the story. “He said that you never even saw him unsheathe it…You only saw his hand go to the hilt, and then…Then everything was over, there was nothing but black…One strike of this blade…Was enough to cut down a forest, according to legend…But the most important thing about The Samurai is –“ The man coughed up blood violently, crimson hitting the table and a page from the book which he worked feverishly to wipe away as he continued to cough, blood leaking from his nose…
”The most important thing to remember is that The Samurai……” That’s when he fell over, that’s when the old man died…I reached over the table…Grabbing the book and tucking it into my pack…Standing I turned and went to leave the small shop in the dark alleys…Though that’s when I saw it, the black hell…The eyes as red as fresh blood…Most of all that’s when I felt it, the cold chill, amplified by a hundred compared to earlier…And that’s when it ended…That’s when it all just….Just turned black…