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Avatar since: 18.05.2006

Age: 42
United States - NJ
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Just your average geek/gamer girl.
"What if all the world's inside of your head
Just creations of your own?
Your devils and your gods, all the living and the dead
And you're really all alone?"

Right Where It Belongs by Nine Inch Nails

I can come off as sweet and innocent, but I've got a bit of an evil streak in me. I'm pagan but was raised methodist with a bit of 'unusual' beliefs until I was 12 and was told to decide what I thought for myself. I love music of a variety of different 'scenes' even if I don't look to like them. People assume I'm a metal-head when I don't really listen to that type of music. Your perception of me is most likey flawed. I can look like a hippie or a punk, but I don't do drugs and I don't have a desire to rebel just for the sake of it. I very much take after my astorlogical sign in the fact that I am quicksilver, I can morph and change and I'm not always what I seem to be from one moment to the next and by the time you figure me out, I've changed my mind again. I love my music to the point of obsession, If I'm not wearing headphones, I've got music on somewhere, even if it's in my own head. I am a self-proclaimed geek. I can prove it by pointing out the fact that I built my computer myself and I am attending college for an Associates Of Science. I have also attended Star Trek conventions. Many of them. I've done security at them. How can I be a bigger geek?

I am an artist, I love to design things even if I never complete them. Find my art here: http://unruly-girl.deviantart.com I love photography and painting but only as a hobby.

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