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I am Sasuke Utisoa.
Warrior for the animal kin armada.
I specialise in speed and stealth.
I am highly trained with melee and blades.
I help destroy evil
and the scum of the galaxy.
As god is my saviour,
Arda is my home,
I live and breath on it,
Forever i shall roam.
My Past: When I was 7 (The earliest I can remember) I held my first weapon, a dagger. It's was an amazing feeling, and the fact that I killed my first Spider spawn 3 weeks later was truely astounding. When I was 8 I trained vigirously in hand-to-hand, swordplay, stealth and magic in the daylight. But at nightfall, I read by the torch in the library of the armada, learning the truths and ancient secrets of the animal kin. At 9 I joined the military acadamy of the Young Beasts, the training point for amarada warriors. There i trained for 6 years and progressed to the be the top soldier. At 15 I joined the armada as a scount then slowly became a warrior for the top faction. At that is where i've been until now.
My family, mainly deceased.
Father: Saicha Utisoa
Status: Deceased
Description: Noble leader of the second platoon of the animal palace, he died in combat from a White Werewolf cut across the throat. He slowly transformed into the beast and ran amock before being brought down by a Dark Elf Archer. The Wolf and the Slayer both belonged to the Drow.
Mother: Lathia Utisoa
Status: Deceased
Description: Slaughtered by the Warewolf my father became. She was discovered later 3 miles away from her house, decapitated and disembowled.
Brother: Togada Utisoa
Age: 19
Status: Imprisoned by the Drow
Description: The only other survivor of my family, captured by the Drow when he was 17 and forced to work as a slave. He was a brave warrior and respected by all Animal kin.
I swear to the high heavens I will find my brother and Irradicate all Drow, even if it with my last waking breath.
Relationship Status: Married Looking For: Friendship