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Avatar since: 10.07.2007

Age: 34
United States
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So bored.. won\'t you come play with me?
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Relationships

For the usual opening stuff, a little about me. I'm bi, I love to have fun, and if you look to the right, there's my interests. Have fun, and don't go crazy now. <3
{7-13-07}-Too lazy to actually do much to my page today, maybe tomorrow. Yay for my poem and my chibis! <3<3<3 Please leave me many messages! I love to return the favor. Thanks Kassidy fer the tip on how to change my page up, god I'm a dumbass, lol. Loved the poem btw. Uhm.. Bored much? -Yawn- So catch yahz around.
{7-14-07}New friends, new buddies, new languages, woot. I'm bored still, even though sometimes I'm juggling chats. I love when people leave me messages though when I ask, because when I'm free, like now, I check them and answer. So, if I'm busy, I'll make an effort to see who really actually wanted to chat with me. <3 Check out the new poem and the added lyrics too.
Well all, I have no presents or credits! And a BIG wish list to fill, this sucks. So if you guys don't mind, share some love with me!
Much love, xoxoxox

Kontakt ze mną
Mój Pokój
"Guardian in Temptation's Abyss"
"A guiding light in the dark abyss,
Far past death to eternal bliss,
To the happiness you deserve,
Where I walk only to observe,
A presence like that of air,
We breathe but are never aware,
That besides this path there is pain,
One false move and you are slain,
By the darkness of temptation,
Where there is little contemplation,
But I am the guiding light in the abyss,
Helping those who fall to darkness,
Come to me I call,
Before you fall,
And even if you do,
A gentle life will catch you."
By: Kat
What colour of wolf are you?

White Wolf, Wow, you are a white wolf! Your element is Light, which is very beautiful and pure. White wolves have a bit of a spirit in them, and can be very powerful and dangerous when they want to, but usually they are mild and very kind to everyone. They have difficulties to hurt someone, even when they really have to or when its needed.White wolves are only seen when they want to be seen and can approach very silent.
Take this quiz!
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What Zelda Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

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What Death Note Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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What FF7: Advent Children Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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What Forest Creature Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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What Naruto Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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What Naruto Guy is For You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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What Inuyasha Human-Demon Mix Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right. Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Inuyasha Ending Theme Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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What Is Your Anime Hair Colour?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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And now some multicultural information I learned recently: I learned, some german, thanks Miene Liebe, some Tagalog, Salamat, Mahal Ko, and some dutch. But I have to ask how to say my friend. ^-^ So, as I learn new languages and new things, I'll put them up here. OoO! I soOo can't wait to learn some more! So, anyone who wants to teach me, be my guest. ^-^ Much love from Kat. XoxOxoX
German: Ich Liebe Sie
Tagalog: Mahal Kita
Ktoś Wyjątkowy
ShaiKat has no special someone.
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White Bondage Gown[n77] Shady IceSnwLeop Thick Cat TailSnwLeop Lg Neko Ears[Aluci] Paine Boots X2
[bz] Widowed Web BlackNekoRings Black Pair(MI) Skirt (Oriental)ANN Ruched Halter BLACKRoyal Mage Black
*Unique Top BlackNR-BMSL1 SKIRT BLACKPeek-a-Black ShortBloody Blk Anyskin Clawsspacer
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