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Avatar since: 10.06.2008

Age: 32
United States - FL
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gucci gold watch!HW!Purse w/Accessories:) MrsPr3tty Head!R Monroe Beauty Mark[PL] Nose Piercing LEFT
Classy Oval Earrings5 Rings Bling Set (Fem)*TS* BELLE BRACE RIGHT-v- Mode:Pink V1*S LGN Bianco
[L™]Leather Boots*E!* Tongue twister tee|BE|Cookie Monster F.~RK~ Edie Red|BE|Spongebob Tee F.
Juicy Teddybear necklaceaYY-Dia Wedding Ring Setspacerspacerspacer
Ktoś Wyjątkowy
This Boy Riqht Here Miqht Have Troubles Opening Up To People But Deep inside i Know how He Feels About Me. Jae Is Everythinq i Want In Uh Man & Everythinq i Will Ever Need. He is My Desire/Lover/Soul/Heart/& Ofcoarse My husband. i Love Him So Much ' We've Been On & Off For Like 2 Or 3 Yearss Buh Thats Just Love. Obviously He Keeps Coming Back<3

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