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May the Circle remain Open, yet unbroken.

May Love and light be ever in your heart.

Merry Meet and Merry Part,

And Merry Meet again.

I found peace in the forest.

I felt love by the stream.

I dream in a meadow.

I pray by the Ocean.

I am a child of this Earth, and of the Goddess.

I am Pagan.


Words can not express what you mean to me.

You are the first thing I want to see when I wake up, and the last when I fall asleep at the end of a long day.

Through countless Lifetimes I've tried to find you, my twin flame.

Six years ago, I never really saw myself committing to anyone the way I have committed to you. From datemate, to fiance, until the day we are married- I love every minute of it. And though we have small quarrels, we've never fallen apart. And I am so so grateful for that. Together we are so strong, my love. And I am so happy to walk through this life with you at my side.

You are the world to me.

I love you.

I Honour your path.

I drink from your well.

I bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place.

I hold no cherished outcome.

I will not negotiate by withholding.

I am not subject to disappointment.

Noid: I don't even know where to begin... You have been a part of my life for so so many years.. I can't believe I met you in middle school. Can you believe that was almost Twelve years ago? Where has the time gone? I was literally 11 when we met. And boy howdy, do we have the scars to show for it. I love you SO dearly. For everything we have grown through together, and every falling out we've had, we inevitably come back together. You're a kindred spirit, and more family than you could ever know. I'm here for you. Whenever you need me, I am here. Never forget that. We've been through too much to one day just fade out of eachother's lives, and for everything we have been through together, thank you. I love you.

Gotthicc: You, my dear, are a National Fucking Treasure. Strong and stubborn to a fault, it's a wonder to me that you haven't ditched my ass by now. Thank you for that. For all of my falling off the face of the earth, you always wait patiently for me to come back. And I can never put in words just how much that means. You truly are a rock in my life. I always know I can lean on you. I'm here to stay this time, so if I try to escape, dig your claws in. I deserve it. Lmao. For real though, You're one of my soul-mates. And I know we'll be in eachother's lives for a long, long time to come. I love you. Thank you for everything.

Zidzi: Yo bro. I kinda dropped off IMVU for a time, but if you're reading this, it means you're important to me! You made it in to my bio! Ain't that fuckin' sweet? Here's to all the times we've had, and all the hell we will raise together! I fuckin love you my dude! That ain't gonna change for shit. <3

Alcazar: Noone told me life was gonna be this waaaay~! Eli - Holy crap. This is another case of "Look how far we've come." From online friends through Souzou, to ROOMMATES. Talk about an impressive journey. I pour my sould out to you, and you always seem to listen just as intently each time. You're simply amazing. Cheers to the next chapter of our lives together! I love you! And I can't wait for all of the crazy adventures living together will hold.
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