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My Best friend =)
She so sweet and beautiful !!
Love ya <3
God create angels.. Here is one angel who I believe and feel that I know she is a person in my life that I am grateful. She has touch my heart in such a way that no one can. She remind me to keep faith no mater what is the cost. I love who she is and I love my angel :)
One of greatest sister of all times :) She is really sweet person and so much along with her best friend Sabrina =) They will always be in my heart and there beautiful and well thanks for being my wonderful friends. Love the gifts <3 and wonderful friends u gave me :) U're brother Andy with love xoxoxoxoxoxo =)
One of greatest girl, who love me for who I am, she provide me all my needs and fill my heart with joy with love she give me. I love you very much.
'She is like my wonderful friend. She has alot things I can talk and on and on about this girl. She is like me in many ways. I love her gifts and I love you! '>She is like my wonderful friend. She has alot things I can talk and on and on about this girl. She is like me in many ways. I love her gifts and I love you!
She is great person to know. and onemy bestest friend that she can be so funny and like to spend time with her. She is cute in all aspects.. love u always forever =)
We have understnading and connection that I love. We able to share our times with poetry and intresting conversation. we always be the best of friends and forever you have my love.

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