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babyrc has no special someone.

Met her over the summer and we just hit it off, she is fun, wicked, sexy, and as silly as I am. It doesn't happen too often that I get this close to someone so quick, I am honored to know her and she holds a very special place in my heart *mwah* love you!

I met her a long time ago and we quickly became good friends. She is an amazing and beautiful person and I am lucky to know her. Both a friend and lover, she has been remarkable in shaping my story and we will continue to shape our stories together.. I love you Jess

Lea is my sis, there is no one else I have been so close to in such a way before on IMVU she has had a big impact on not just babyrc but the guy behind him. I love her dearly and think about her often. I miss the time we spent together and treasure the time we still get to spend. If you ever need me Lea you know I will be there. *big hugs*

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Avatar since: 02.06.2007

Age: 44  18+ Age Verified Age Verified
United States
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Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Relationships
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~E- Elven Royalty Escape~E- Elven Druid's Tower~E- Wizard's Tower~E- Gothic Liaison Tower~E- Castle Of Olde
~E- Changeling's Den~E- Medieval Village~E- Hermit Hollow~E- Pagan Sanctuary 1~E- Pagan Sanctuary 2
~E- Viking Keep~E- Medieval Study~E- Autumn Sunset Forest~E- Amber Palace~E- Summer Forest
~E- Village Square~E- Medieval Keep Sunset~E- Medieval Chambers V2~E- Medieval Chambers V1~E- Medieval Hamlet SunS

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