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Zarejestrowany od: 2006-07-06
Age: 52
United States - AR
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"Bring Our Men & Women Home Now!! I Support The Troops, Not The War!!!"

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

My homepage is still under design, it is dedicated to every man and woman serving in the US Military both at home or overseas. It means a lot to me to be able to something like this as I have 2 brothers who are in the Armed Forces. One brother is in the US Army and my little brother is in the US Marines. One is already in Iraq doing his 2nd tour and the youngest is going in April. So please show you support for our troops by buying stickers and put them on your homepages to show that you support our troops. Thanks for having a look around and if you would like, then please feel free to leave me a message. Hugs & Kisses...........Ladyinred24
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Friendship
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Stayin strongNative American Indiantroop dedicateMarines Ribbonu.s. marines
marines-Semper FiSupport Our Troopsremember our marinesFree cuz of the Bravespacer
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