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Age: 45
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Light in Darkness (Reflections of Life)
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You play my heart strings so well my love .The song I hear is the beating of my passionate heart when you are near my dove.This dance we are in the steps unknown and new with each day and night that moves .When I am without you it hurts and things feel wrong ,and then and there I cant hear the song . I await my songs return to hear to dance to love

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You are Death

Change, Transformation, Alteration.

People fear this card, but if you want to change your life, this is one of the best indicators for it. Whatever happens, life will be different. Yes, the Death card can signal a death in the right circumstances (a question about a very sick or old relative, for example), but unlike its dramatic presentation in the movies, the Death card is far more likely to signal transformation, passage, change. Scorpio, the sign of this card, has three forms: scorpion, serpent, eagle. The Death card indicates this transition from lower to higher to highest. This is a card of humility, and it may mean you have been brought low, but only so that you can then go higher than ever before. Death "humbles" all, but it also "exults." Always keep in mind that on this card of darkness there is featured a sunrise as well. You could be ready for a change.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

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