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Age: 45  18+ Age Verified Age Verified
United States - PA
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Mother Nature Is Not As Forgiving, If You Can't Live a Primitive Primal Life. Then Leave Our Forest.

Occupation: Disabled/Retired, and Self Employed

Ancestry: Half Cherokee, Comanche, and Aztec

Traditional Native Name: Adisi Tali Waya = Running Two Wolves

Orientation: Non-Binary

Height: 5'9" (ca. 175 centimeters)

Body type: Few extra pounds

Children: None

Want Children: No

Marital status: Single, Never married

Transportation: Has a driver's license but no longer can drive

Drinks: No

Smokes: Yes - Tobacco pipe

Education: High School Graduate

Education Course: Fashion Designing, Textiles, Upholstery and Commercial Sewing

Beliefs and Practises: Traditional Native, Wicca, Paganism, Shamanism,

My Sandbox

Living A Primitive, Primal Life

living a primitive, primal life, is not as easy as one would think.

One must first separate and understand that being primitive and primal are two different things. Primative is how someone lives, while Primal is how someone thinks, acts, and reacts to life around them.

With a Primative life you don't have the modern conveniences that others would.

You can't just go out and buy what you need or want.

If you need or want something, then you have to find it or make it yourself from all the natural resources around you. Stone, wood, bone, plants, clay, and many other things have become the medium that is used for the making of such things.

It is even quite common to go days, months, and even years without any contact with others. When surrounded by nothing but forests, rocks, and water.

With not having others around, you slowly, over time, begin to fall into a peaceful, tranquil pattern of not speaking much.

But even without words, your body language and actions take the place of such words.

Even more so with the fact that your survival does depend a lot on how quiet and still you are if you wish to find food.

To survive the laws of nature as a primal, one must throw away all conventional means for unconventional ones and replace all forms of humanity with ones of nature's design.

The laws of nature only gives two choices. They are either become the hunter/predator. They have to dominate, adapt, overcome and prove their streangth. While the other is the hunted, they have to submit and prove their worth.

Even if they were to submit, they still need to be strong in mind and body. There is no inbetween nor does nature forgive weakness of any kind.

In a primal life, it is no different, nor is it forgiving. In the eyes of nature, since the beginning of time, we have been seen as animals that are no different than all the others, so that means we also have to follow the laws of nature.

You can sit there and dispute the fact that we are not animals all you want, but if that was the case, then all the other animals both on land and in the sea would not hunt us if given a chance or defend their territories from us like they do with all other animals.

Primal Nature

When it comes to the primal lifestyle, it is a life that is way different from the others.

While D-types do become the hunters or preditors and the subservients become the prey or hunted, there are no formalities in a primal life.

So the use of Sir, Mame, or Madem goes right out the window. Even the use of statuses goes out the window. So there is no use of master, mistress, sub, slave, and so on.

For many who live such a life, it can give a feeling of a more free and easy life with fewer formalities and social structures.

A primal subservient cave woman or animal wouldn't enter a room and say, Sir, would you like a spot of tea?

If they wanted to show their subservient nature, they would quietly and softly enter the spot where the primal D-type is, then place themselves at the feet of the D-type, fill their drinking cup with a drink, then slowly pick it up and hold it for them until the D-type took it.

Even then, that could be seen by many as too formal, and those who are more animalistic would just crawl to the D-types feet and place their heads at their feet, or turn and place their tail ends in the air facing the D-type and their heads on the ground.

If the D-type didn't want them to enter in the first place or come closer, then they would either growl or make some form of sound, letting the subservient know that they should not enter or come any closer.

Primal Thoughts and Impulses

The mind and the impulses of a primal is basic and simple at it's core.

With there being so many impulses, the four strongest impulses that a primal has to pick from at any given time are as follows:

Sexual impulses

The impulse to hate

The impulse to like

The impulse to protect oneself.

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Any and all requests sent without taking the time to sit and speak with me first or complying with my profile page will result in the immediate deletion of your request upon its arrival to my inbox.

You must be quite clear and specific as to what your intentions are when contacting me, followed by any requests you may have.

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I will only except requests to be added if we both have much in common such as interests, point of views or philosophy.

Acquaintances must keep in contact either daily or once a week on my discord, in my establishment, my inbox or in private.

Hearing from you only once in a blue moon will be taken as a request to be removed.

To be added to my list of acquaintances you must be at least 30 years of age or older.

" ( Unless you have shown some form of maturity and respect. ) "

I will not accept anyone who shows any amount of animosity towards those who consider themselves to be BBW, of the LGBTQIA+ community, is of any ethnicity or has a disability of any kind.

That also includes ill repute language towards them.

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Alpha Nightwolf's Public IMVU Location

Primitive Primal Lifestyle

A Primitive Primal Lifestyle place for the serious seekers.

This location serves two purposes. a Primal Lifestyle place to relax while listning to the location sounds of nature or music, a Real Life Primal Lifestyle location for finding what you need, want and deserve in life.

Primitive Primal Lifestyle Rules & Protocols

Nudity and skinny-dipping in the lake is allowed. It's quite natural and normal here.

Fur Tails are also allowed here if the are kept to a small or medium size and not over over exaggerated to keep the KB's and lag to a minimum.

Primal Predator/Hunter spots are the black furs in the center and in my cherokee round house.

Spots for the subservient prey are to the sides of the furs.

If a Primal Predator/Hunter or a subservient prey is new to the life or to this location should enter subservient prey may politely assist them in finding their right place and any questions they may have. For we are all in this lifestyle together and not just out for ourselves. Who knows your actions may even catch the eyes of a Primal Predator/Hunter.

Interviews may be done by whispering or in a private chat while both parties remain in the hunting grounds .

If for any reason a Primal Predator/Hunter should make any subservient feel uncomfortable while in this location the subservient prey is to whisper or message me and I will handle it and in no way are they to do so themselves.

Any action I take to solve the problem is final and if any subservient prey wishes to dispute my decision or how I chose to deal with the problem they may remove themselves from the establishment all together and all matters will be considered as being dealt with.

If either the Primal Predator/Hunter or subservient prey refuses to remove themselves then and only then will I remove them from the establishment quietly without warning and will take all measures to insure that they never return.

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Moje Zainteresowania

"We are all animals whether you accept it or not.

There-fore it is best that you don't fight it or try to run from it. But embrace it; so you don't fall and become prey to it."

( Adisi Tali Waya - Running Two Wolves of the Stalagi Aniwaya - Cherokee Wolf Clan )

Read over my home page completely before sending any chat or friend requests. Any & all requests sent without complying with my home page will result in the immediate deletion of your sent request. If You're IMVU Only Don't Waste My Time.

Primitive Primal Lifestyle Descriptions


Relating to, denoting, or preserving the character of an early stage in the evolutionary or historical development of something.


The meaning of PRIMAL is very basic, and powerful, used especially to describe feelings that are like the feelings of animals and that seem to come from a part of human nature that has existed since ancient times.

When our humanity didn't exist and animalistic thoughts and actions were primarily used in daily life.

"Their primal nature kicked in when he growled while taking hold of her and mounted her like an animal as she gave into him and took it all without any thought."


Subservient is merely an old-world word used in the lifestyle in the old ways to mean anyone who is prepared to obey others unquestioningly.

If someone says you'r subservient or that you are a subservient, they are saying that your personality or demeanor is that of someone who submits and does not have it in them to question the one they are submitting to.

"Her subservient primal nature to roll on her back

with her tail pulled between her legs while

reveling her vulnerable soft under parts to the Alpha

is what prevented Him from lunging at her."

Primal Prey

Primal prey is generally the role assumed by the subservient personality within a dynamic- although not always and switches add a whole other layer to the complexities which is primal play.

Primal prey desire to be hunted, chased, and overpowered.

This gives the subservient a chance to submit fully in a very physical and adrenaline producing way, but only after the Dominant has proved his strength, power, and control over them.

Primal Predator/Hunter

Primal predators or hunters, on the other hand, live for the chase- the hunt.

They desire to overpower and consume their prey.

This gives the Dominant a chance to explore the most raw and unfiltered aspects of their Dominance, to both physically and mentally overpower their partner.

Hunt & Capture

This is a word used to define the part where the prey is overpowered and made to submit.

Although I said the prey is generally the subservient partner in the dynamic, this does not mean they give up the fight easily or submit throughout the whole of the interaction.

Generally the prey will fight back in a very physical and intense way- think a cornered animal fighting for survival but with a consenting partner.

The prey does ultimately deeply desire to submit, but not until they have been overpowered and the Dominant has proven their worth.

Primal Animal

Some primals may identify as a certain animal that speaks to their primal instincts.

This is different than a subservient pet (more on that later) but rather taking on characteristics of this animal during a scene.

I have seen primals who identify as wolves, lions, panthers and the list goes on.

Not every primal is going to have an animal- B for example simply refers to His primal side as “the Beast.” This is not a literal beast, but rather the unfiltered and beast like aspects of His human nature.

Primals can also take on more of a stone age caveman hunter or cave woman prey mind set while acting on their natural impulses that we all have within our D.N.A.

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