Wczytywanie strony domowej
In all this chaos, we found safety.

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I see time as nonexistent. It's a simple logistic thought that gives cognitive reasoning, but little reason to life. Scientifically, the only time that truly exists is right now - this very millisecond. I make little to no sense at all in anything I say. I apologize to inanimate objects when I bump into them. I've got a funny way of showing people that I care about them, but in true reality I care way more then they think I do. I've got mood swings like every other human being on Earths surface. I can be open then I can shut you out, I can be mature then I can act like a child, I can be caring then I can be indifferent. No matter what I do, I tend to hurt someones feelings by the things I say, and the sad part is most of the time I mean too. I guess I could say I'm just along for this ride we call "life". I don't have much, but we've all got to make the most out of the cards we're dealt. I'm difficult to read, and I normally give off mixed signals. I'm like that missing piece off that unsolved puzzle. Try to figure me out.

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." -Marilyn Monroe.

