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Zarejestrowany od: 2007-02-12
Age: 40
United States - OH
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"I reject your reality and substiture my own"

See My Albums (5)

Hello, thanks for giving my page a visit. Feel free to leave me a message or to start a chat if I'm online. I'm always looking for new and interesting people to meet.
What's that? You want to know more? Well, I like making and watching machinima.
Let's see, I'm very sarcastic. Sometimes people think I'm a little mean, but it's not meant that way. I just like to kid around. I'm a little shy at first, but once I get to know someone all bets are off, lol.
Also, VERY IMPORTANT, I am married. If you want to chat with me, cool, but I'm not here looking for romance. And NO I will not cyber with you. I just wanna chat and make some new friends. Aleviate boredom, okay?
Well, that's all I can think of for now. If you want to know anything else just ask. ^_^

Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Friendship
This is my latest machinima music video (even though it's not very recent). It's country, so if you don't like it, don't click it. If you do like country or can tolerate it, then clicky clicky and enjoy. WARNING: Does contain violence.

Check out my machinima at Sims 99 or at YouTube. Don't be afraid to leave a review or comment. I'm always interested in constuctive criticism. Just don't say anything like "This is dumb," or "You're gay." Not appreciated or needed. Thanx ^_^
My Wish List
Lace-up ripped flare bsHotPnk/Blk Busty Top10 Swimsuit Model Poses![LD] Mono:LINE Top[hd] 10 Pin-Up Poses
[SH] 10 Poses UNISEXRed Ghostly Gown TopRed Ghostly Gown SkirtAnim Blue Laser Light[hd] Model Poses #1
Anim Red Laser Lightspacerspacerspacerspacer
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Moje Zainteresowania
The many faces of DragonTears, in pixel form.

rock, fun, Fairy, chat, Friends, dragons, cats, taken, ^_^, furry, Games, geek, music, meow, animals, youtube, kitties, Butterflies, Gemini, pets, elf, rpg, medieval, Chatting, crafts
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friendly Friends 6
visitors Visitors 476
kharma Gifts 2
generosity Generosity 11


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