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The Sky Holds All Our Secrets, Take a Chance.

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In short:
Name: Dustin
Educational Level: Sophmore
Age: 16 years young
Relationship Status: ...
Orientation: Gay

Dear Dustin Muffin,

This spot is all about you my dusty. My best friend until the end. No matter what happens between us, your still always gonna be my best friend. Through your stupid little tantrums, through my stupid little outbreaks. No matter who's be bipolar that day we still are there for each other. You want to change, I'll try and help you change. But no matter what you decide to do I'll always be here. Well let's see, what should I start with? Your amazing personality? Your stupid jokes? Your adorable shyness? Hmm, I'll start here. Right now with I love you. Through everything you've been through, and everything I've been through, we ended up with each other in the end. Thanks to that one kid, the one we let slip away, the one we didn't need as much as we needed each other. And now look at us. You know my secrets, my dear, and I know some of yours. We mesh, your random, exasperated, and somewhat intellectual self; my pathetic, spastic, awkward self. I've known you 4 years now, but still it seems like its been longer. 7th grade, that was the year I first met you. And you best bet that I am going to keep ownership of your hair until I die. I knew there was something special about you, didn't know what kind of special until lately. You retard. Ha. Ha. Just kidding. But you are special, in more ways then I can explain. Dusty you are my soul mate in life. Your my little gay boy, my little brother, my little everything. You'll always be my Dusty Muffin. No man is ever gonna change that. I know at times you think life is hard, but you have someone here that's always gonna try and make it worth while. One who's always going to love you, one who's always going to support you in whatever you choose to do. One who's going to try and push you, one who is going to try and guide you. One who's shoulder will always be there for you to cry on, one who's going to fling those scary spiders away and joke around about them being on your foot. One who's going to try and give you options, options to change whatever it may be, options for what I think will be best for you. You use to dwell on the past, and the future, you over look and over complicate things. I think your starting to realize you need not to dwell on anything but the present, and think things more simplistically and analyze things less. Your charming and cute, your stupid but smart. You have your own unique way of life, and even if you piss me off at times with your stubbornness, I still will always love you. No ones going to ever replace you, its impossible. Just remember I'm always there dusty. And for those of you who are reading this, to try and figure him out. Good luck, but my advise is to actually talk to him, more then once. Get to know him. Ask him about his likes, his dislikes, his life, his outlook on politics, or art, or strippers. He will surprise you, he surprises me every day. Don't forget what I tell you Dusty, I mean every word.

Love always,
Ash <3


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