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Long Live the Empire
Old times for New, Consortium to corrupt, Industries to build, and the Empire to maintain, all done by a single man, the Emperor, or so be told, considered as another, Unknowndev, Tyberzann, EmperorPalpatine, and more that to be mentioned cannot. The legend continues, despite the corruption that has ben bestow upon this page, the text, these legends, and everything i stood for. Equality, Rightfulness, Imperialism, Community, the People that followed the Empire, and those who did not, we all had that one connection, of the People, and how we must be treat. To evict corruption and Rebellion from this Community, and get known, One way of Another, all for the Empire.
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Eras Palpatine – Halftime of Slimcrazy.

An Unusual Beginning
Once, there was a time, when there was no groups, no poses, no advanced products of war, no Empire. Emperorpalpatine started as what could be considered a joke account, but a fortunate one. He got 3000 starter credits instead of 1000, a strike of luck in the days of limited credits, so I used him, bought a lava rooftop scene, and a few "empire" like clothes. Naturally, even with these additional credits, people were not totally enthusiastic about talking to someone that looks like a zombie; all that could be done was to move on, who wouldn’t? Even so, a memory would soon bring this account to it’s bustling glory.
On December the 19th, I remembered the amusing account of EmperorPalpatine, and visit it. I did not expect anything to have changed, yet I received a message from one none other than Perchancetodream, her name I will never forget. Her message to the common eye would seem like an ambitious Star Wars fan trying to sound impressive, even so, her message was inspiring, so much so, that it would start what is now the greatest sci-fi community in IMVU. I immediately contacted her, slightly worrying that my reply was a month late and wouldn’t reply back. She did! From December the 21st, 2006, the Empire was born.

Naturally, 2 people do not make an Empire, and cloning was a little beyond us at this point, so we needed to begin recruiting new members to the Empire. These next few days would decide the Empire’s fate, a glistening realm, or a complete disaster. Myself and Perchancetodream open a public chatcast in Buckstars, and recruitments began, JOIN THE EMPIRE, it was called. Several people went in, Several Imperials came out, what we expected to happen. The first to join was XxxlovergirlxxX, do not take her name in vain, I did not expect so much, but the saying is true, appearances can be deceiving. I didn't always expect much from my allies, but they provided so much, I was proud to be the leader of the Empire.

It always happens.
By the time the Empire had hit 50 members, things were getting busy, and rebellions were stirring up. Not everyone agreed with the Empire, and there were ambitious teenagers seeking attention. Imperial members were getting a little too cocky, and things were getting interesting. Crime networks in the Empire, and corruption was getting bad. So I made the "Grand Imperial Motto".
"We aim to evict Corruption and Rebellion from this fair community, and get known one way or another!� a phase used by the Empire even today!
The hopes did not reach my expectations, so I made my own little spy group, the "Zann Consortium". The most reliable spy is yourself. Clearly, many people have adapted this, no man or woman has only one account these days.

A rapid rise.
By then, things were calming down, and the Empire had hit around 60. The Zann Consortium was now a "play around" group of mine that did some hit and run assaults on Imperials to build training and get any ideas on any Imperial revolts. Being an enemy would allow me to evaluate how my allies deal with such threats, or if they join them! What TyberZann knew, I knew, so some rebels were undergone and "removed". 80, the Empire was becoming a considerable force, advanced products of war were coming in, and lightsabers were common now with actions! It had been what we were waiting for. Small rebellion neutralizations were ultimately common now, whilst rebels don’t agree with us, they usually don’t agree with each other either, this leading to their untimely demise.

Imperial Party!
100 members, were there! I missed the 50 members party, and promised a 100 members party, so I did "my best". It started in my "mini death star", the alpha improvisation of a death star that was actually a lounge space station, but it was round is it would do. There's a first for everything. The party did not go well, half the people didn’t know what was going on, a quarter were asking me for jobs, and the rest disappeared. The second attempt at the party was hosted at the Old Imperial Council Hall.
The Imperial 100 party in the council hall.
Sweetme223 insisted that she take the next party, as I wasn't an overall genius at it, I was better at running an Empire. Shame there never was a next one.... cursed corruption getting in the way of everything.

Organised Roles.
By around 120, all 6 roles had been fully established. When people asked what to do, I had something to give them. 4 had been created since the start:
Assassin, destroy the corrupt.
Spy, find the corrupt.
Corruptor, destroy the corrupt, with their own force, and
Advertiser, all must know of the Empire.
Later at this time, a new one was made, the Guardian, to deal with the larger rebellions and such, but rarely had much to do, as larger rebellions tended not to exist. Eventually, they became my personal bodyguard, due to complete lack of work.
130, and finally, the Vertasgucotiser, Be them all! Only one came close of reaching that level, Sweetme223, but didn’t quite.

If anyone can learn from my mistakes, it’s that you can’t keep 135 Imperial records in your head. A new document was made to hold all Imperial info, the DATACORE, which was so detailed it was used to make this text! In it contained every Imperial, their role, and such information, but most vital of all, their nickname! Everyone in that Empire seemed to hate their avatar name. By an unparalleled strike of misfortune, it went missing once, which drastically slowed everything down.

Developing, a crushing end.
By now, 40, I had my own developing license, I had been waiting for this for a long time now, but finally my wish had been answered. My priority was a sticker for Imperials to place on their homepage. I had always done everything in the Empire, avatar pictures as well, so I could more than handle a simple sticker.
My First Product, the Palpatine Sticker
I went on to make things like the Imperial cape and so forth, but then, and interesting, project caught me, the Storm trooper!
Everyone knows that true determination can get just about anything done. Slowly but surely, it was getting done, excellent I said, it sold well, many were happy with the success. I was ecstatic which is not common of me, but for such a thing to hit IMVU was like aliens coming to Earth.
First glimpse of IMVU's first stormtrooper Darth Vader was the next, but I was busy, and it never happened, not for this legend anyhow. Developing was my biggest mistake though, and would soon loose something of great importance to me, the Empire. More and more projects underway, more and more close to the End. One day, when the Empire hit around 160, I discovered a new “fault�. If you’ve ever read the Developer TOS, it states their work is completely safe, they lied. I didn’t see the risks, what a fool I was. I should have considered, but I didn’t. I went forth, a made some “underworld projects�. IMVU INC. and a few others weren’t too impressed with my doings, and quickly caught up to me. I had lost, the Empire was no longer safe in the hands of me, for now…. I was in the process of choosing an apprentice, it was down to Supralecs and Slimcrazy, I was imminently going to choose Slimcrazy, so who else does the Empire go to, Him!.
March 23rd, emperorpalpatine, is no more.

Where does it go from here...
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Princess Leia

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Emperor has no special someone.
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Prehaps you have encountered a Sith Battle Fleet, maybe an angry Sith, but NOTHING compares in intimidation to BIG MOTHS, if you have encountered one, you are truly unfortunate.....

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