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What type of vampire are you?

The Bestial Vampire
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what angel are u? girls only..

you are the moon angelyou are a dreamer, creative and lazy. you are have much friends and they loved you. but you are depends on them. so you can standing on life by your self. maybe trying all by your self it's the best way. :)
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What Kind Of Demon is Your Soul?
fire demonYour soul is a Fire Demon. You kill only for necessity (which in your case pleasure is a necessity) and kill humans for a tasty snack Any human that crosses your deadly, fiery path is asking for a death sentence.
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Moje Grupy Sprawdź inne IMVU grupy!
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The Angel Guild

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The Coven of the Burning Moon

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GodsLovelyDaughter has no special someone.
What is your inner element? (anime pics; detailed)

You are Darkness!Your name is: Sayomi (Night-born beauty or little night beauty)Your hatred covers your heart. You don't really think of others and you crave for the sight of blood. When you see someone in trouble you either make it worse or leave them there to suffer. You are devious and you tend to be rebellious. You almost get into a fight with someone every day. You tend to travel alone and you prefer it that way. You know how to fight well and are feared by others. Your weapon: Dark Magic [evil, kinda dark, not use for good kind of thing]Your type of guy: For being evil as yourself you still have that wanting for someone to love. You like the guy that is not afraid of anything. One that sticks up for himself. You want a guy that is just as cruel as you are.Your story:You were born an element so you have had a troublesome life. When you lived in a family you had a father, mother, and one brother. You were born a sweet and loving person. It all changed though when you got to be six and your father beat you to a bloody pulp. You have always hated your family except for your brother because he understood you and knew what you felt. When you were 16 you left you betrayed your family and led a heard of demons to your village so they would all be slaughtered. Including your brother. Ever since then you have trusted no one and don't care about anything. You discovered your true element when one day you were taking a bath when you heard a rustle in the bushes. You sit in the water pretending like you can't hear them and you are listening to their voices. They keep mumbling things like,"There's the girl that killed the villagers." And,"That girl has no strength she is but a mear girl." You get out of the water and put on your outfit that you'd been wearing and you stand there quietly. You hear, "Alright we will take her down....NOW!!" Warriors were fledding to you and you stood there, pointing your finger at them. All of a sudden a large heard of demons came down and killed most of them. You turn to run when you feel a piece of metal go through your body. A soldier had killed you. Your body is lying there and yet you're still alive. You get up and take the sword from out your back. You drop it on the ground. The soldier is drop dead scared now for the fact that you just came back alive. You have no clue what you're doing because your body is controlling every move you make. You stick both of your hands out to form a diamond with your two thumbs and index fingers and start mumbling words. All of a sudden a black cloud comes from your hands and decapates the soldier in front of you. When that is all finished you stand your ground knowing you must be the element of darkness!
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What is your TRUE inner element? 12 RESULTS AND PICS!!!

Darkness... everything about you is dark, depressive, and evil.
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which of the seven deadly sins are you?(with PICS!!!!!)

you are wrath
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You aren't sure where you came from. Perhaps your sire did an embrace and run. Or maybe your sire was an outcast himself. Either way, your powers are unique and really don't belong to any clan...or maybe a little from each. Because you of these circumstances, you aren't really sure where you belong. You tend to wander and do a bit of soul searching in your eternal life. Maybe some have a while after all.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?
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What kind of magic do you work with best? (GIRLS) (PICS!!!)

Your magic is incomprehensable. Personally, it's my favorite. You can just... do things. Like flying. Flying is easy for you. And breathing underwater, and walking on it. And making sparks fly out of your fingers. And the kind of things like creating spheres with your hands that glow. It's a beautiful magic, but it's rare. Very rare. You are mystical, magical, mysterious. Nobody knows too much about your kind of magic. I love it!It's dream magic. Your dreams are the most important thing to you. You live in your dreams, because you can make your life your dreams, with an only thought!
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Your Inner Vampire
First name
Shade of black
Favorite type of music
Type of chocolate
Your inner vampire teases its victims with seduction and relishes in their pain
Its voice echoes loudly
It is dormant because it wishes for its host to discover it first
Its teeth drip a sticky saliva-like substance that paralyzes its prey, reducing them to a painful twitching state
Bloodlust - 94%
This QuickKwiz by catzoid - Taken 4042 Times.
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What type of vampire are you?

The Sensual Vampire
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Relationship Status: Seeing Someone
what angel are u? girls only..

you are the green angelyou are love plants, treasure something and love animal. you are very kind, but you don't have much friends. only a few friends that you can touch it. why don't you try ask them for being a best friend? maybe later they are will be give you something that you can't imagine.
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Moje Zainteresowania
what angel are u? girls only..

you are the willow angelhardworking, musical, strong, funny, EVERYONE LOVES YOU!! you're acting is VERY good... but don't lied to people i told you! you will be lost your best friends.
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What's your inner animal?

Your Inner Animal Is A Wolf!Like a Wolf you are Impulsive. You think first and act later. This combided with your somewhat bad temper could get you into trouble. But your a good hearted person. You would do anything to protect the ones you care about. You care deeply about family and Friends. You like to have large groups of friends rather then a few. But you also might start a fight or accepct a fight with someone you dislike. You would probley win. While you don't care if you cause trouble for people you don't really know you would try to fix a problem you started for a friend. You might also be the type who seems hyper at times but this might because you can't sit still in small/cramped areas for too long. You prefur to be in large more open areas. You are the type who likes to earn things and not trick other people to get stuff. You also feel very pround when people tell you something you made is good. You might also be a little bit of a trill seeker. (I hoped you liked it) (Rate or message if you want)
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Znajomi (4)
What is your inner species\race?

Anthro- Cat? Wolf? Dog? Maybe even a Fox? Ill bet youre curious what Im going on about, youre an anthro-demon which says, all in all, youre pretty much neutral. You usually will hate humans, demons, and anyone that doesnt travel in your pack. You can transform into your chosen type of animal or, if nothing else, you at least will have ears and a tail. I would guess you like the colors purple and/or blue.
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