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Zarejestrowany od: 2006-05-24
Age: 40
United States - CA
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"Not on much/+ YIM ID Dark_Gothic_Shuichi"

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About me:

I'm a 21, and am not to fond of drinking. It's just not my thing, plus I get drunk easily, off of about two shots. So it's very rare I drink at all, and only then it's about a shot. I am young at heart and always love when I am able to make others smile. *Smiles sweetly* My religon says other, cause I am searching myself to try and find a religon I feel conected with and centered with again.
^-^ *Purrs* I love to have fun and am a bit like a kitten sometimes with my purring and with batting playfully at objects dangled in front of me now and then, or just my playfull nature in general. Some of you may think I'm a bit of a dork...and I guess I am. And yeah I just admited it. I don't care, I am who I am, and I love myself the way I am. I have a boyfriend, my Avi, who I love with all my heart and soul, and I know he loves me the same, he supports me so much and makes me feel so happy. ^-^ He's everything to me and more.
I totaly love anime and games. I want to be a writer and am currently working on seven books, one of which, I hope to have published, if not more of them.
I love children and animals and hope to have both later on. ^-^ I have a fair amount of pets now that I love alot. *nods* I plan to be a preschool teacher or daycare providor until my books take off.
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