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Hey hey to everyone that visits my page. First I want you to know I'm taken by my love and life Seraphynth. I hope you all love the site and get a kick out of the links that I am trying to get hooked up. Many thanks to you all for the visit and any messages or gifts you leave.

I'm waiting....

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Zarejestrowany od: 2005-12-27
Age: 36
United States - FL
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"There isn't much creative about hello."

See My Albums (1)

Kontakt ze mną
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KainFlux has no special someone.
Znajomi (6)
I love these people so much just because they can find time to click on my name once in a while and say Hey. Maybe on day you will also join thier ranks and become a part of something greater.
Moje Grupy Sprawdź inne IMVU grupy!
KainFlux doesn't belong to any IMVU Groups.
Sprawdź Grupy IMVU! Dziel się zainteresowaniami, osiągnięciami, poradami, plotkami, opowieściami, wszystkim i wszędzie!
My Wish List
THis here panel is home to some of my most deepest darkest ideas as to what I might wear on here. LOL. Some of it was picked out by my gf. If you buy me the bikini it's ok. I understand that you only had enough credits for that. *snicker* It's ok....
Black Leather Coat LayerLiving Ears-WhiteRyu Raven Buckled BootsGrey Gaze EyesMidnight Runners
Animated Angel Wingsspacerspacerspacerspacer
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This is almost a usless panel for me because I will never have that many of any of these things unless people accidentally start visiting my page to much. LOL. Well maybe one will be filled and that will be my Generosity.
friendly Friends 6
visitors Visitors 203
kharma Gifts 7
generosity Generosity 0


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