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Age: 16
Location: In your pants
Last logged on: Tomorrow.

Tauxen -- My Mommy! :DD -Squeals!- Shes the Bestest ever! I've known her since like.. Forever. I think we almost met once? Maybe? Idunno, Anyways. This Bxtch right here is the SHxT! Get it? Got it? Love her!

Noeky -- This right here is My Auntie. I lovers her so! She gonna help me make furs. I can't say how much shes helped me and how much I lover her because It would take this WHOLE page up! Anyways, Like My mummy, This is one of the few very Important people in my Life. This is my Betch guys <3

Kisu -- My Bestest! I love her to death! Shes just always so Hyper and stuff. Full of Joy. I lover her so.

This is my Family. Hurt them, And I will Cut your ears off!


YES!!!! I will be making furs :3 with the help of my loveabul couch noeky!!! >:3
Soon to be Pollution designs!! ;D


Send me cookies to prove your love towards me >:3?!?!?

Ktoś Wyjątkowy
I am her ALIEN SPAWN!! She gave birth to me yah know ANYWAY! She is an amazing person because I knew her when I started IMVU and its been.. 2 years? Or so. And She stuck with me!
Believe me people, She is Amazing. Shes like the Mac to my cheese
My Wish List
$ BAMBI GumR| Decayed Jeans |Pink[*L] Bleed like Me[xS9x] Pink Void[:3] Black Rings (F)
R| Pink Punk Platforms$ ENVUS PlashtikeLox™ Hisae: Night Black[:3] Rainbow UberFluff[:3] Rainbow FelifoxErz
[SD] MY ANIME!! =O)[:3] CandyLace Corset[:3] Rainbow Kitten (F)-[::Dis$ymmetry::]-Red Panda Furset (F)
[:3] CandyLace SkirtSP* Chained Collar (F)[O] Bullehspacerspacer
O mnie
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Zarejestrowany od: 2007-07-23
Age: 31
United States - GA
Last log on:

"Erm. Hiiii! :3"

See My Albums (3)

Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship

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