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1. I am a grammar Nazi, you will either speak proper English to me or fuck off and not speak to me at all. Yes I do allow for acronyms, but do NOT make that your primary means of speech. 2. I am a Dom. You will head my warning and take care how you speak to me and show your respect. And IF I decide to gift/spoil you, you WILL show your gratefulness to me and say thank you and spend time talking to/with me whenever your real life allows you to. 3. I believe in older ways, NOT today's societal standards. So NO, I a male/man am NOT your personal bank/credit card/money tree. I nor ANY other man on this planet owes you a single solitary gods damn thing. You want money, you want material objects, get off your lazy, shallow, arrogant, cocky, self centered, self absorbed, self obsessed, selfish ass and GET...A...JOB and make and earn your own money and buy you're own damn things. Despite what all your mothers told you growing up who clearly failed you, you are NOT an entitled to anything and everything princess. Us men work for a living, we actually pay our own bills, put food on the table, clothes on our back, a roof over our heads and have our own damn shit we want to spend our own hard earned money on. 4. NO I am not bi or gay. I am straight and a male, was born make and will never change that. NO I do NOT agree with the alphabet army and while I like anyone and everyone else I am NOT entitled to just anything and everything I am however entitled to how I feel. And YES, there are ONLY 2 genders MALE/FEMALE. NO more NO less. 5.When it comes to sex, I am into a lot of things. However I am NOT into EVERYTHING. Here is a list of what I am NOT into: Salad tossing or rimming (giving or receiving), water sports, Cleveland steamers (Google it), swapping, anal (receiving), NO trannys or cross dressers. Also, absolutely NO hidden on your card/profile. If I see that on your card/profile I WILL ask you for it. 6. You don't like me? Then fuck you, that is a you problem, NOT a me problem. Deal with it.
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NightStalkerCrow  Członek Klubu VIP
Avatar since: 23.11.2006

United States - CA
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I'm here for fun/***. Do NOT fall in love with me, NOT here for a relationship
Looking For: Other
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