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Zarejestrowany od: 2007-05-19
Age: 33
United States - ID
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"*~Living Lfe To The Fullest~*"

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Hey!! My name is Cassie i am 16 years old... I live in Idaho it's not the best place in the world but it's great as long as you have friends that care about you!! I love you design and just to have fun!! I love horses and fashion....What i like to do for fun pretty much listen to music, shop, hang out with friends and duh talk on the phone!!!!
If you have any questions dont be afraid to ask i am a pretty laided back person..most of the time...Just dont piss me off and we will be great:) I also have 4 great friends the first one is Karen she is and always will be my best friend no matter how far apart we are!!Then Michael an Kim they are the two people i can always count on when things get tough!! Last but not least Becky she is also one of my best friends she walked in my life when everyone walked out and i thank her for being here for me!!! These 4 people all mean the world to me and they all have a piece of my heart because i love all of you guys!!!Oh ya well that i think all you need to know if you want to chat i am up for it anytime you pick the time!!!
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This girl has always been there for me no matter what!!! She is my best friend no matter how far away she is!! We have had so many good times there just never going to go away!!! We will be best friends forever!!! we have known eachother for about 6 or 7 years now in those years there are so many memorys it's crazy!! i just want her to know no matter what i will always be here for her!! BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!!!I LOVE YOU TONZ GURL!!
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