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Zarejestrowany od: 2005-10-27
Age: 36
United States - UT
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"Hiy ^^"

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About me:
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My name is Xander and I'm 17. I'm not like most of the kids my age, I don't like most people or drugs, so I'm not into partying all night and getting high, I dislike most people who abuse drugs, because it makes them stupid, and when I go out I have to deal with that stupidity. I can't say I have a lot of friends, which I suppose is my fault, mostly because I'm so different from everyone else and I will tell the truth how it is, and I will tell people straight up with I think and stick to it, and I could give a f¿ck less if they agree or not or what they think. I'm here for me, not them. I don't trust people easy, so chances are, if I don't know you, I don't like you because I can't be sure if I can trust you or not, but I'm pretty friendly and very open minded, you just have to know how to approach me if you want a decent response. I am a vocalist in a band, or I would be If I had all the stuff I needed, and the people who were supposed to be in the band with me, hadn't ditched me like the little hookers they are, but I'm over it, so it's turned into more of a solo thing, but that doesn't change the fact I don't have any equipment or anything to really get started, just what's in my head and a lot of lyrics and thoughts. I'm a writer as well, but my stories aren't usually the kind that have happy endings, and they aren't always a pleasant read if you are close minded or have a weak stomach, but if you are into graphic violence, disturbing visuals, vampires, demons, magick, shota, yaoi, death and lots of blood, then let me know and as soon as I finish the story I'm currently on, I might just share it with anyone who is interested, or I'll have a link posted and you can just get it from there. I am not going to lie or hide it, I'm very f¿cked up in the head, and no, not like the typical poser emo children that slash their wrists and feel sorry for themselves, or just do it because it's suddenly a fad or what everyone else is doing, I wont go into detail how sick in the head I am, if you really want to know, go ahead and ask, but don't ask if you can't handle the sickness of a disturbing truth. I'm extremely shy and quiet, which is why a lot of people end up not liking me, cause I'd rather sit in my room alone all day than go outside, I just find the silence peaceful and comforting, unless I feel like blasting my music, then I'm all crazy, but that only usually happens when I have a lot of caffeine, then I become a bit more random, painting my face or drawing all over my body, and running around the house in a skirt after painting my hair different colors and laying upside down on my bed listening to music, or having an hours conversation with myself, or even the dogs, or someone that's not even there. Don't ask where my mind is at that time, or any time for that matter, cause I'm not really sure. I'm an actor as well, I was in a movie when I was 4, but a few years later and I'm too shy to stand up infront of a crowd of 5 people most of the time, maybe if I have lots of I wont do it!! hehe I spose it's worth a try, although, I'm not really in my most serious behavior when I'm hyped up on caffeine so I don't know if that would work...and why am I telling you all this? WHY!!?!? I really don't know, maybe I'm hyper or just feel like going on and on. Anyway, as well as f¿cked up in the head, I am a schizophrenic, (or I'm possessed if you believe that) I'm not just one boy at times, I'm paranoid and obsessive compulsive, slowly trying to get over it though, I'm an insomniac and I'm very strange. My choice job would be to work in a morgue or maybe a pet store, I don't think I'd be able to deal with everyone's sh!t day after day, well not the live ones anyway, I would probably end up strangling someone. So I would rather work with the dead, people that I understand a little more than the live ones, or animals. I'm into art, although what I would consider art is probably far from what a lot of other people would, I'd cover myself with blood and take pictures and call that art. Don't label me, I am me, and that's what I am.
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I'm not sure
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