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Zarejestrowany od: 2006-08-29
Age: 42
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"Back for the time being... You know where to find me."

See My Albums (1)

Cutie Exchanging Carnal Indulgence and Lustful, Intense Affection
Get Your Sexy Name

Hi! I'm Cecilia, and I have a lot of interests. Just to be clear, I won't meet you on MSN, Yahoo, Myspace, Hi5 or any other web community if you found me here. I won't give real pics, webcam chats or meet you IN REAL LIFE. If you think I will, then you should stick to your porn. It's the closest you'll get to the real thing with that stalker attitude!

Being bisexual is a simple decision: I'm attracted to both genders, so I would consider anyone I think is appropriate for me. This is IMVU, so I'm not looking for anything beyond an occasional escape from reality. I know that we all consider this the 'Vegas' of the Internet.

Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Other
My New Products Zobacz wszystkich
I don't like to beg, so consider this advertising. Since I have a lot of ideas and limited resources, I'm just gonna say that I have good products. Use your try-it passes to test them, let me know what you're looking for, and I'll get back to developing!
My Recent Visitors (0)
While she may never appear here again, I dedicate this visitor section to Kate, who had a very interesting way with words, at least with me.
Moje filmy
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Ktoś Wyjątkowy
Valkyriekitten has no special someone.
Moje Grupy Sprawdź inne IMVU grupy!
Valkyriekitten doesn't belong to any IMVU Groups.
Sprawdź Grupy IMVU! Dziel się zainteresowaniami, osiągnięciami, poradami, plotkami, opowieściami, wszystkim i wszędzie!
Kontakt ze mną
Moje Zainteresowania
My interests may not be as bold as most others, but I'm working on changing that.
Bi, Drawing, swimming, contact, Attention, reading Creativity, Women, intelligence, Clubbing, latin dancing, Martial Arts, Japanese Culture
My Wish List
This is a shopping list as far as I see it. I won't beg anyone to buy me anything, but I will not stop anyone from shopping for me. As insatiable as most people can be, I could get things the same way as my old friend. You might remember her; she loved to be spanked.
Curvy Voluptuous Avatar~E- Lymeria Black~NS~ Medieval black armoManda Black Braid HairMy Black Braids
BLACKDelaida BLACK{®} Grunge Secret RoomJapan shindai futon set[IR] Japanese house
ICO Pegasus ColtsFC* Transparent white[SD] GIMME MORE!!(AC)-tx- DiaBling left-tx- DiaBling right
LOFT IN PARISspacerspacerspacerspacer
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friendly Friends 5
visitors Visitors 575
kharma Gifts 29
generosity Generosity 37

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