About me: I am the rhythm guitarist and co-vocalist of the Texas Psychobilly band Elizabeth Cemetery, lead vocalist for the horror punk band Dead Saint Hooligans, and former bass player for the now dead Casket Bangers. I'm a ghoul and I'm a fiend what else can I say. I was born in Texas and don't plan on leaving. I've been around but there's no place like home. I'm part Scotish of which I'm proud. For all you Douglas out there: Jamais arriere. I play guitar and bass. If I'm not at work or school I'm with my band mates planning world domination. So hope you all dig my little page here. If you don't like me well all I can say is: "Fuck you Hippie." To the rest of you, I'll see you in the crypt.

SHAPESHIFTER you are a shapeshifter, you change form atleast
once a month when the moon is full but can
change at other times too, if u do not control
the beast inside you it will control u, u are
capable of many many things, lets hope your on
the good side...some things you should know is
to be careful, when u get angry, u really get
angry, seeing as u have great strength (u could
probably bench press a bus) u need to control
your anger, u better be good at controlling
your anger cuz if u aint u'll get urself in
what monster/being are you? brought to you by QuizillaWho I'd like to meet:

That creepy bastard Christopher Walken, Vampira, and Vincent Price's corpse