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Welcome to my homepage.
I am Zerachiel, most people call me Zera.
I'm a developer on here and I make all sorts of things, but my speciality are rooms and furniture.
I do requests, just send me a message or invite me for a chat and we can discuss the details.

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P.S. Don't forget to grab my badge.

Zerachiel is one of the most powerful princes of angels, ranked above all other archangels, and who has been called to protect the angelic forces of good against Satan and his demons. Some sources even suggest that Zerachiel is the one archangel with the power over all angels, even the Seraphim which outrank him in the Christian angelic hierarchy. In the literature entitled Hekhalot, Zerachiel is said to be the only angel holding the coveted position of the Prince of Heaven. Zerachiel's name translated from Hebrew into English means God's command, or God's commandment. scripture claims that he is one of the few angels who leads souls to God's judgment. scripture also states that he is an angel of healing, the angel of the Sun, and ruler over the earth. He is also said to be the angel of children, especially children who have parents that are sinners, or are prone to leading a life that is not in accordance with the Holy Bible and the laws of God.

The archangel Zerachiel is also claimed to be an angel with the power over night and human dreams. If a person wants to understand the hidden meaning of their dreams, then they should pray to Zerachiel for guidance and advice, as it is him that possesses the ability to decipher them. The Archangel Zerachiel is also one of the two helpers of the archangel Michael, with the other being the angel Ithuriel. Zerachiel is also said to be the leader of the heavenly choir, and over all music in Heaven. He is also known as the angel the presides over exorcisms, appearing in spirit form to assist any church officials who are conducting the practice of evicting demons from the human body. Most of these attributes and powers associated with Zerachiel are confined to Jewish scripture, and do not appear in canonical Christian scripture. In fact there isn't much information available within the Christian church on him, however some denominations recognize him.

Outside of religious scripture, the Abrahamic occult realm seems to have equipped the archangel Zerachiel with an arsenal of powers. For example occult or New Age literature claims that Zerachiel should be prayed to if you are suffering from too much chaos in your life, as he can help grant you peace and tranquility. Occult beliefs also claim that he is the angel responsible for freeing people from the burden of guilt, selfishness, or envy. It is said that upon freeing you from these afflictions, he will bestow upon you the ability to see the higher truth. New Age groups also believe Zerachiel is the protector of children, as stated in Jewish texts, however they have greatly embellished upon this power, believing that he is the personal guardian angel for orphaned children. As is the case with other angels and archangels, occult and New Age groups seems to mold these Judeo Christian religious figures into pagan like deities that are firmly rooted in mythology.

At a point in my life I wished there would be no tomorrow,
I couldn't see the light in the darkness,
but then you came into my life and took away all my sorrow.

My days of sadness now lie in the past,
it's time for the good things in life,
because I finally found true love that will last.

My days of emptiness are gone for good,
because you make me feel things I haven't felt in a long time,
and filling the void in my heart as only you could.

I would like to thank you for guiding me to the light,
for loving me for who I am, and believe me when I say,
my love for you will always burn bright.

I love you Crissy.

I have good friends and they all know who they are.
There are just a few special friends that stand out.
And this page is for those special friends.

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Cabby, you are an amazing person and a great friend.
I love it how you are there for Cris in times I can't be.
Cabby, I care a lot for you and you mean more to me then you might realise.

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Clussie, a real close friend where I can talk to about anything.
It usually ends up talking about games tho, lol.
A good guy to just get crazy with, but when needed also a great person to have a serious conversation with.

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Raven, a real good friend who is already there for me as I am always there for her.
The only problem is the time difference that prevent us to talk often.
But when we do talk, we always have fun.

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Vampi, also known as Miss Piggy... What a nutter is this one, lol.
An amazing person and as crazy as I am, if not more.
Just have one more thing to say about her and that is F2 F2 (Oink Oink).

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The Morgue - Come and see whats new on the Slab!

The Morgue, last but not the least. This group is as close as it can get to a a family and a place where I feel complete at home.
Not everyone can get along just like in a real family, but in the end we're a tight group and we're all friends.

* * * * *

Welcome to my homepage, have a look around and don't forget to grab my badge.
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