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Zarejestrowany od: 2006-07-24
Age: 42
United States - OH
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"yo yo yo, what\'s up???"

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Don't u just love to read these. I have a boyfriend named Scott. We have recently started dating and he is perfect! I can only wait to see where this relationship will take us. I still teach dance class . I think this year made it 17 years that I have been envolved with dance classes. I love it! I have a full time job and I try to bartend part time at my father's bar, whenever they need the help. I have a sister, Sarah, who is happily married with 3 step children. I love Alternative and Rock music. My favorite band is Billy Talent! followed by Led Zepplin. That's about it. Check Out for thousands of custom glitters and layouts Hey All! *********** I want some new ideas of what kind of avatar I should make my girl look like. I can't make her look like me.... that would be no fun! Help me think of something funky. Please.....
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Wicked Black/Grape Streak123me Purple TwinkleHeart Vest BLACKAlicia NAME sticker giflil mini skirk
silver rainbow naomiPunkette Striped DressPunkette Pirate Skirt v1Punkette Gothic DanceDreYumimoto-Punkette
ELVEN Starlight GownPunkette Stars Tiara (v1Simple Dark Curly TiaraAT Fire Goddess BundleSplendor Female Bundle
Moon Dragon BundleHighland Lass BundlePunkette Pirate Halterspacerspacer
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