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Zarejestrowany od: 2006-12-25
Wiek: 105
Nowa Zelandia
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"Kat150 - Share the love around."

See My Albums (1)

Kontakt ze mną
How to make a Mozartsblood
3 parts anger
5 parts courage
3 parts ego
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add caring to taste! Do not overindulge!
contacting message add contact forward block
Ktoś Wyjątkowy
mozartsblood has no special someone.
Moje Grupy Sprawdź inne IMVU grupy!
mozartsblood doesn't belong to any IMVU Groups.
Sprawdź Grupy IMVU! Dziel się zainteresowaniami, osiągnięciami, poradami, plotkami, opowieściami, wszystkim i wszędzie!
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My Wish List
As I'm sure you know, my wishlist is mearly a shopping cart for me- items that I shall, someday, have enough credits to buy. Though, if you're feeling generous, I love eyes and jackets. Haha...
[DR] Paradise Island W/Sspacerspacerspacerspacer
Fajni Nowi Ludzie
Newbies- Be nice, say hello. No biting.

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