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Zarejestrowany od: 2006-09-30
Age: 38
United States - OH
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Moje Zainteresowania
Hey everyone, I Don't Chat, I Don't Give Freebies, and I Don't Give Advice! My reasons are I have no time, I'm broke, and I am an IMVU newbie! Im just learning how to develop things on here so if you got any advice I would really appreciate it. Also, click on the amber alert tracker and get one for your page, who knows you could save a child. :0)
Name:Megan Myers
Birthday:June 30th 1986
Birthplace:Columbus, Ohio
Current Location:Chillicothe, Ohio
Eye Color:Hazel
Hair Color:Light Brown
Right Handed or Left Handed:Right
Your Heritage:Scottish, Italian, Polish, Welsh, French and Irish
The Shoes You Wore Today:Lime green spike heel sandals
Your Weakness:My kids
Your Fears:Death, Anything bad happening to my kids, and Not being able to provide for my kids
Your Perfect Pizza:Pepperoni, black olives, green peppers, extra cheese
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:I want to lose 30 lbs!
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:LOL
Thoughts First Waking Up:Why can't you kids ever sleep in?
Your Best Physical Feature:My eyes I think but I"ve been told I have nice "assets"
Your Bedtime:Lately its been 2 or 3am
Your Most Missed Memory:Hanging out with Mike Sherman, Katie Eskelson, and Jamie Saylor
Pepsi or Coke:Pepsi if its bottled, Coke if its fountain
MacDonalds or Burger King:Burger King
Single or Group Dates:Group
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Bleeh Iced tea... give me a freakin starbucks!
Chocolate or Vanilla:Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee:Cappuccino
Do you Smoke:Bleh no way, I love my pink lil lungs!
Do you Swear:Yes, I say Fuck, a lot. (now my kid's been sayin it)
Do you Sing:Lmao, when don't I have music playin?
Do you Shower Daily:I have two kids, Im lucky to shave once a week...
Have you Been in Love:Yes
Do you want to go to College:Yes
Do you want to get Married:Already Am
Do you belive in yourself:If you can't believe in yourself then who can you believe in?
Do you get Motion Sickness:Only when will or my mom is driving
Do you think you are Attractive:No
Are you a Health Freak:hehe ask me that when I dont have a double cheeseburger in my mouth...
Do you get along with your Parents:
Do you like Thunderstorms:No
Do you play an Instrument:Trying to learn the guitar.
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:Yes, but I haven't been drunk.
In the past month have you Smoked:Bleeh
In the past month have you been on Drugs:oh yes of course, because i have so much money i can afford a worthless addiction XD... theres sarcasm, isnt it pretty?
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:No, I miss my cinnabon!
&..39;In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:'no too sweet!
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:I like my food cooked!
In the past month have you been on Stage:No, I don't think I've even left the house but to go to the store... :0(
In the past month have you been Dumped:No
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:No, ask me that again when it gets warmer tho ;0P
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:No
Ever been Drunk:Yes, twice
Ever been called a Tease:Hehe of course
Ever been Beaten up:Nope
Ever Shoplifted:Earrings when I was like 10
How do you want to Die:I don't want to
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:A mommy, and perhaps a teacher
What country would you most like to Visit:Italy
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:Blue
Favourite Hair Color:Brown with blonde highlights
Short or Long Hair:Short
Height:6 ft
Best Clothing Style:Preppy
Number of Drugs I have taken:None
Number of CDs I own:Countless
Number of Piercings:5
Number of Tattoos:0, till this summer
Number of things in my Past I Regret:3

married, Art, Movies, music, incubus, Cancer, shopping, Gaming, Developing, college, babies, grey's anatomy, whatever!, nodoubt, Motherhood, Moop
My Wish List
Hey, this wish list is just for me to mark what I want to buy when im not broke. Lmao, but feel free to lighten it a little :oP
[SR] Striped TopBlushingBeauty Sugar(L) Golden Blonde Rikku(L) Black Eyebrows v1(L) BlackPearl Innocence
(L) Pink Pirate BikiniHappily Married StickerFairey Speak No EvilELVEN Bloodwine2 Basic Revolvers
LucyMoonshine - VioletAna - IngenuePurple Tribal Butterfly2*EVE* BlackT W/Butterfly
(L) Black Shoes/FishnetsPink Flame FlaresAvril Top HOT PINKspacerspacer
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