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Cross Meiou is a fan-made character and never appears officially in the Sailor Moon anime or manga. He was created for roleplay purposes and this page is a fictional biography that recounts many of his adventures during his sessions with various roleplay encounters in IMVU and other places.
Name: Epoch "Cross" Meiou
Date of Birth: October 5th
Place of Birth: Charon Castle
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Pluto humanoid
Social Class/Community Status: Exile
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Time Lord (Father, cut ties), Setsuna Meiou (Sister, strained relationship)
Physical Description
Height: Tall
Weight: Ripped
Hair: Long, dark green
Eyes: Dark red
Typical Clothing/Equipment: When in battle, he wears an armored coat and carries a scythe born from the power of the Dark Pluto crystal as one of the Three Dark Talisman. When in casual, he wears suits and ties
Personality: Cold, dark, broody. Very quiet and comes off as rude when speaking.
Skills/Talents: Is very good at keeping a schedule, has photographic memory and can remember every detail.
Favourites/Likes: Green tea, collecting old items and restoring them
Most Hated/Dislikes: Most things, his father, the Sailor Senshi
Goals/Ambitions: Protecting the Realm
Strengths: Can survive in even the worst possible conditions
Weaknesses: Not a people person
Fears: Being locked away again
Hobbies/Interests: Musicals
Regular Routine: Go to work, close shop, head home, read up on musicals in town, go on day off, sleep
Philosophy of Life: Ever since Michael Mizuno changed his destiny, Cross cites that as an example that time isn't truly written in stone and that anyone can change their own destiny if they fought hard enough for it.
Attitude Toward Death: When he was trained to be a guardian of time, he knew death is inevitable for all creatures. However, he was able to cope with it when it came to someone he cared about. It ended up failing his trial and he was sealed away for it.
Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: Enjoys being tied up
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Failing his trial as guardian of time and being sealed away in a stasis prison for generations. This is solely what caused him to become hateful, angry, and swear vengeance against not only House Pluto, but the entire Sailor Senshi all over the universe in which they served. Of course, things didn't go as planned...
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: Has no real sexual experience, but does find women to be attractive, Sailor Neptune in particular.
Education/Special Training: Has the same training as a Sailor Senshi and his own powers over time make him even more dangerous. Much of his training is incomplete and a lot of his powers are unstable.
Place/Type of Residence: Lives alone in a rather wealthy apartment complex funded by Tomoe Industries
Occupation: Works as a bodyguard for CEO Toma Tomoe of Tomoe Industries
Place of Work: Tomoe Industries, owns an antique shop in downtown Juuban
Work-related Skills: Because of his guardianship, he has the quickness and presence of mind to identify potential threats as well as the strength and speed to handle spontaneous ones.
Bio: He was once trained to be a guardian of time but could not stand letting people perish when he could provide them ways to help them save themselves. Because of this, he was imprisoned and harshly punished to the point of torture. The torture drove him insane and when he escaped, he attacked and appeared to have killed Chronos, his father. He chased the guardian of the keystone, Zane Kisei to Earth and tried to kill him but he was snapped out of his stupor when recognizing a song played by Sailor Neptune (whom he has hidden feelings for). A battle took place and the deaths of two of his friends who knew him best struck him hard. All the males of the group were sentenced to exile by Sailor Moon but gradually earned their way back by banding together with Michael Mizuno and stopping the Dark Earth Prince. He vows to watch over the realm while mourning the death of his friends and works for Toma Tomoe.
These are my other accounts related to Sailor Moon roleplaying.
Epoch "Cross" Meiou, former Prince of Pluto now a two time exile, once by his own Royal House and the other by the order of the Moon Monarch Sailor Moon.
His powers rival that of his sister but his compassion for life led to his failure and incomplete training.
While his goals for revenge fell short, he found a new and more noble reason to fight.
However, the death of his close friends weigh heavily upon his heart...
Will he be able to fight the sorrow and rage that burn inside of him?
Win Quotes:
"Never! I will never go back to being that weak again!"
"Ichino... Taorinno... I won't let your sacrifice be in vain!"
"I don't care what you think of me! I will finish my duty!"
"You can't and won't stop me! Not while I am still determined to fight!"
"I was sealed in time by my own family for trying to do the right thing..."
"My heart grows heavy with each passing moment... I wish you two were here..."
"The only reason you're alive is because my friends would've wanted me to spare you."
"Your time was up the moment you crossed paths with me!"
Mid-boss: Sailor Neptune
Cross Meiou:
"Greetings, mermaid. I see you're still performing your duties?"
Sailor Neptune:
"Oh? Aren't you a naughty one, handsome? Shouldn't you be in exile?"
Cross Meiou:
"If a god couldn't keep me away, do you really think the words of a child would?"
Sailor Neptune:
"Mm... I suppose not. But I'm afraid I can't let you interfere in this, mister exile."
Cross Meiou:
"It'd be easier if you just told me what was going on. I really do not wish to harm that pretty face of yours."
Sailor Neptune:
"Flattery will get you nowhere, handsome. My lips are sealed but my mirror is ready to take you for a swim."
Cross Meiou:
"I hate to do this to you, mermaid, but for once, I don't have time to mess around!"
[after the battle]
Sailor Neptune:
"Ahh... mmm... what a surprise... you held back..."
Cross Meiou:
"I know there's a boy involved in this. Tell me more! Or I'll have to upset Ichino further by roughing up his sister."
Sailor Neptune:
"Ichino? Hm. So that's why you're holding back? How very noble of you. The only thing you need to know is that the boy is an enemy to the Sailor Senshi."
Cross Meiou:
"It's not the first time you Sailor Senshi have attacked a child... what is this boy's connection?"
Sailor Neptune:
"Rude. What we did was try to stop the Messiah of Sil--"
Cross Meiou:
"Neptune! This will not gonna stop me from going after him. We have a common enemy for once. Spill it."
Sailor Neptune:
"...He's trying to reform the Dark Kingdom. Keep going south. You'll find him soon enough."
Cross Meiou:
"The Dark Kingdom? Didn't think I'd hear about them again. Thank you, Neptune."
Sailor Neptune:
"Don't underestimate him because he's a boy. He has very dangerous power..."
Destined Battle: Sailor Pluto
Cross Meiou:
"...!! You...!"
Sailor Pluto:
"That's as far as you go, otouto-san."
Cross Meiou:
"...I think not. I know you're not here to join me on this fight, so you better just step aside."
Sailor Pluto:
"Some things never change, do they? Why exactly are you here, otouto-san? To kill the boy?"
Cross Meiou:
Sailor Pluto:
"Did you think on how could a boy like that know so much about the Dark Kingdom? Doesn't something seem off about all of this?"
Cross Meiou:
"And what do you propose we do about it? Did you guys have any kind of pause when you tried to kill the girl?"
Sailor Pluto:
"Still haven't figured out the bigger picture? Then I suppose there's only one way to really teach it to you..."
[after the battle]
Cross Meiou:
Sailor Pluto:
"Perhaps Tao-san and Ichi-san did reach you afterall..."
Cross Meiou:
"...I see. You fought me because you wanted to see what I was going to do to try and stop the boy."
Sailor Pluto:
"Almost. You're still missing a piece of the puzzle but we're run out of time. This is your last chance to learn this lesson, otouto-san... you will not get another. Go now, and meet the boy. He awaits your arrival..."
Final Boss: Sethos Beryl
Sethos Beryl:
"A former guardian of time. You, who controls and watches over the actions of countless mortals, including myself and my parents. You, the servant of the lowly planet of the dead. You..."
Cross Meiou:
"Enough! I'm not here to listen to you monologue about my life story! I've lived the memories a million times over when I was confined and sealed as a prisoner of time by my father! I'm here to stop you from reforming the dark kingdom and turning this planet into a hellhole like every other planet that remains in this system!"
Sethos Beryl:
"Silence! How dare you interupt me! A lowly piece of trash like you could never understand! You're a worthless fool that should've remained forever sealed and buried in dead space forever! You will not stop me from having my vengeance against the Sailor Senshi and retaking my planet!"
[after the battle]
Ending: "The Lesson"
[Cross stands tall with his scythe as Seth drops his sword and falls to his knees.]
Sethos Beryl:
"How... how could this have happened..."
[Seth tries to get back up to his feet and lifts his sword in an attack stance. He then attempts to run but stumbles and collapses to the ground.]
Cross Meiou:
"You've lost, boy. It's time for you to meet your end."
[As Cross approaches Seth, he raises his scythe, reading to strike down the final blow but pauses as he hears Seth begins to quietly]
Sethos Beryl:
"It... it can't end this way... they stole... everything from me. Why... why do you fight for them...? Do you not know what they've done to me... to my planet...? No, of course you don't... you don't care about anything or anyone..."
[Cross lowers his scythe as he listens to the sobbing boy. He then recalls his own failure and pain against the Sailor Senshi before turning his head away from Seth.]
Cross Meiou:
"No. I don't know what they stole from you. But if you're trying to regain control of this planet, why unleash such an evil force like the Dark Kingdom to ruin it?"
Sethos Beryl:
"The Dark Kingdom took my mother in when she was betrayed by my father... after the war, the Moon Kingdom retreated to this very planet... my planet. My kingdom!"
Cross Meiou:
"Wait, then you're..."
Sethos Beryl:
"The son of Queen Beryl and Prince Endymion. I am the true heir to the throne of Earth!"
[Cross kneels down to Seth before waving his hand over Seth's face, using his power to read Seth's timeline.]
Cross Meiou:
"So that's why you're so difficult to read... You poor, deluded fool. Queen Beryl wasn't betrayed by your father. He simply fell in love with the Princess of the Moon while his generals fell in love with the other four Princesses of the Inner Sailor Senshi. Your mother was the traitor... her jealousy and hatred led her down the dark path to the Dark Kingdom."
Sethos Beryl:
"Wh-what?! That's not... that's not true...!"
Cross Meiou:
"Your mother tricked you. When Endymion was brainwashed, she used him so she could give birth to you and then planted those memories in your head. She used you as a last resort to fight her war. But you don't have to keep fighting her battle."
[Cross stands to his feet as Seth continues to argue with himself, denying everything that's been said.]
Cross Meiou:
"It's only natural you'll deny it, but one you come to terms with this lesson you've learned, you'll be able to move on with your life. Don't throw everything away, boy. You're young and this planet is yours to live on and enjoy. Do not waste your time fighting the Sailor Senshi. Believe it or not, when it comes to protecting this planet, they've given their lives quite a few times. Let them handle the peace. But also... be prepared to step in should they decide they want to do more than just rule this floating rock."
[Seth remains silent, sitting alone with his sword as he dries up his tears. He doesn't look back to Cross, simply just staring ahead in silence. Cross then turns and walks away quietly.]
[The scene opens to Cross overlooking the ocean at sunset while sitting on a bench as he closes his eyes, his memories recall laughing and jokes with two other guys, presumably Ichino and Taorinno. The sounds fade as he hears violin music in the distance]
Cross Meiou:
"That's Michiru's violin. But I don't recognize that song... it has such a... melancholy feel to it."
Setsuna Meiou:
"It's a requiem for Ichino."
[Setsuna approaches the bench and leans against it while Cross continues to look ahead, not turning to face her]
Cross Meiou:
"A requiem..."
Setsuna Meiou:
"She didn't get along with her brother, but they were still family."
Cross Meiou:
"It's unfortunate they didn't get to make up and repair their fractured relationship. But is that why you're here?"
Setsuna Meiou:
"Maybe. Or maybe I just wanted to see if you really have changed."
Cross Meiou:
"Does it really matter now? Ichino is dead, Taorinno is dead. And part of me died with them."
Setsuna Meiou:
"Of course it matters. Why else would you do what you did? You say they would've done the same thing but I truly think you want to do the right thing."
[Cross stands up and begins to walk away. However, he steps after a few steps and turns his head back to Setsuna]
Cross Meiou:
"I've always only ever wanted to do the right thing. I didn't need to suffer for countless years in purgatory nor watch my two best friends die to figure that out."
[Cross continues to walk off, speaking one last thing to her]
Sometimes you must do the right thing even if it hurts you. Actions reify ideals. We must never stop striving to do good, to protect the weak and the powerless.